Cite Cases
The Collaborative Governance Case Database exists because of the combined efforts of researchers from across the world sharing their data.
Please list all the cases you have used, when writing a publication leveraging the cases in the database and cite the introductory article Understanding Collaboration: Introducing the Collaborative Governance Case Databank when explaining the database in your publications.
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The Collaborative Governance Case Database exists because of the combined efforts of researchers from across the world sharing their data.
Please list all the cases you have used when writing a publication leveraging the cases in the database. The preferred method is listing the case in text itself and in the reference list of the publication. Please also indicate the date the case was downloaded from the database.
In APA-style a reference would look like this:
[alert type=”success”]Douglas, S., Noordegraaf, M., Bos, A., Klem. W. (consulted 2021, May 13), Joint Committee for Counterterrorism of the Dutch national government agencies. The Collaborative Governance Case Database.[/alert]
If the publication does not allow for a full list of cases used in the reference list, please include an appendix to the publication, listing all the cases and their full reference there.